
This is my first post

10/04/2014 15:04

Hello everyone i'm just getting use to this blog so this is jsut a test article (yes i noticed the typo but i wont bother deleting it) This is just a test! :)

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Aerodynamics in cycling

10/04/2014 14:47

The importance at high speeds

While traditional mechanical engineering has palyed an improtant role in the manufacturing and development of bikes kinematics and aerodynamics has also played a huge role in how modern day top level bikes have developed. You need a machine to be as efficent as possibel and aerodynamics plays a huge role in competative cycling.

Aerodynamics in cycling requires the study to account for the relationship and interaction of the whole man-machine requires incorporating other technology should consider learning processes, bioenergy and force production in the musculo-skeletal system.

The purpose of this article is to give an overview of the sport biking from a biomechanical perspective. We are referring to health and scientific study respecting the rules proposed by the International Cycling Union (UCI). It is therefore mandatory that we can not jump the rules dictate that institution in relation to the design and construction of the bicycle. Not only is it important to think about air resistance and areodynamics also weight reduction is incredible important you should look at reducing weight where ever possible ever a Carbon Saddle will significantly reduce the weight of a bike

The scientific production related to applied biomechanics of cycling is evident in relation to other studies in other sporting areas, probably related to the importance that the bike has always had as therapy and rehabilitation, the use of the cycle-ergometer exercise test and finally by the notorious economic interests surrounding the professional cycling race.

From all this scientific production in relation to biomechanics, one can argue the multidisciplinary nature of the same, ranging from mechanical engineering, through the bicycle aerodynamics (wind tunnel) to reach the muscle dynamics.

This kinematic and kinetic studies on the application of force on the pedal and the variables that influence their effectiveness, in order to improve aerodynamics on the bike performed.

Regarding the bicycle rider-set, three external forces acting displacement resistance: air friction, mechanical friction, and gravity in the case of displacement in costs.

In relation to the internal strength of the joint, the friction of the wheels and the entire mechanical system of the mill, although it does not reach, or 5% of the total friction forces.

Only be considered as external forces to gravity propulsion own when the man-machine system down a slope.

The rest of these forces are considered internal type system as exerted on the handlebars, saddle and especially the pedals. Given that the source is in the same muscle contraction and moment exerted on the joints.

Without taking into account the internal friction of the machine, when the man-machine system moves up on a slope, the two great forces are the friction of the tire on the firm and own their own friction with the air.

It is the latter that is more resistant, especially if you increase the speed. We can not forget that wind resistance increases with the square of speed, a circumstance that forces optimized aerodynamics on the bike as we increase the speed.

To illustrate this latter phenomenon, the speed record cycling sports is 71.29 Km / h, which was established by the Adamshvili in 1990, The American Howard, got the 245.08 Km / h running behind a shield vuwbri.
Another test where you can also see the importance of bicycle aerodynamics is the record of the official record hora.vMientras got in November 1994 the Swiss Rominger at 55,291 km, the hour record indoor, after bike, got it, in 1987, the Russian Romanov at 91.131 km, something impossible to cover in normal situations. Modern day bikes that are commercially available to the public also allow great perfromances such as these. If you want a great custom made carbon fibre bike look at for some inspiration

The displacement force produced in the same direction of movement opposing the same, and the lift force, perperdicular to the direction of travel, although it assumes some importance only in specific situations, such as the viewing. You can sign the most important aerodynamic force that opposes it is the force exerted by the air as opposed to displacement.

Thus the viscous friction force originates from the displacement that occurs between the layers closer to the surface of the cyclist and bicycle air being higher while the rate increase.

A low friction coefficient causes air layers to slide across the surface, rather than moving with it, reducing viscous drag force. In this regard, very tight suits, one-piece soft materials and fibers
can reduce the friction as much as 30% compared with the same cycling jersey and wearing tight trousers.

When the man-machine assembly moves air through a frictional force an air friction with said surface, which is a force that slows the rider called viscous force is generated or surface displacement. Greater or lesser intensity is related to the fluid viscosity and the sliding friction of the air through the surface.
The viscosity is seen the force needed to slide a fluid layer over another, in this sense, when the viscosity increase, the forces may also increase resistance to displacement, and considering that a rider travels at a certain speed through still air, the layers of air will move closer to him producing a gradual change in speed between
layers and consequently a slip resulting in the increase of the viscous drag or surface. Because of the lower air density, speed records achieved by experienced cyclists in the city of Mexico (2,260 m. Altitude) are between 3% and 5% better than those made on the

When the body has an elongated, slim contour with respect to the wind direction and the friction coefficient is relatively small, the air layers change their course gradually, reducing the size of the vortices on the back and the differences between the front positive pressures and negative flow is reduced. All these elements contribute to significantly improve aerodynamics on the bike.
The aerodynamic profile-shaped hulls with water droplet has reduced the resistance force 1 Newton to 48 Km / h, with respect to the normal integral helmets
road, which would earn 16 sec. per 10 km This reduction is mainly due to the fact the smooth airflow over the head.
A more complex is the study of aerodynamic wheel because the rotation produced some changes that produce turbulence and pressure vortices change position. Studies developed by Kyle (1990) in wind tunnels on the aerodynamics of the wheels, reports on the aerodynamic advantages that the current three-spoke wheels, behaving well or better than the disc wheels. Both three-spoke wheels as lenticular better than all tested with steel spokes, including 16 radios behave.
An interesting curiosity about the effect of aerodynamics on the bike puts Kyle (1989) in a study where he developed a simulation on the time trial that was decisive for LeMond's victory over Fignon in the 1989 Tour de France. The results indicated that the fact of using a standard bicycle Fignon without aerodynamic helmet, take the long, hanging hair and goat horn handle, would have meant a loss of 1 minute and 30 seconds. in the last 24 km, although the outdated technology used by LeMond bike and especially the use of 32-spoke wheels will also meant a loss of approximately 32 s.

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Progressive loading exercises anaerobic

10/04/2014 14:46

Interval Training technique or high intensity anaerobic training is known since the '70s, but lately when taking large impact by saving on training time and the great benefits it brings without being all and every day coaching.
It was with the arrival of the wattmeters and Heart Rate Monitors that we can access a huge amount of data in a simple way, which was not possible before.

Improve your shape in weeks. With only 30 seconds of effort followed, and then move to a small interval of rest is needed to produce maximum stimulus in minimum time base.

You may find it strange if you are used to the classic system of training, but is fully effective if done with due thoroughness.
We are changing the focus of many other training quality.

Perform half minute intervals also serves to improve aerobic endurance, considerably raising the metabolism and thus get more muscle and lose body fat. All in one.

Recent studies showed that interval workout Fucking eight individuals, training four to seven daily half-minute intervals at 100 % capacity, for two weeks. The result was that improved their anaerobic capacity.

With a cycle ergometer, increased from 26 to 51 minutes maximum volume eighty oxygen. The maximum power also increased by ten percent.

If you want to improve your shape, including intervals in your training program two or three times a week.

Will be less hours on the bike and you will get better results in less time. In a long career ; how to pedal in the ups and downs will give the best result to arrive before the finish.
Slash is anaerobic but without crossing the limit.

Let's assume an example of an 8 km climb followed by a descent 8 kilometers. You can come to think that it is faster if you upload peaceful end ; and then use all your energy to lose almost flying very fast on the other side with the help of gravity. But consider the numbers:

- If you get on 16km/hy then pedaling hard to get down to 65km / h, it will take 37:30 minutes to travel the 16 km.

- However, if you upload stronger ( without becoming anaerobic) to 19kph, then you moderate effort on the downhill (55km / h), you take only 34 minutes.

Saving about 4 minutes translates to a distance of two kilometers at an average speed of 29km / h.
Of course, if you go up hard and fast on the downhill pedaling also also save you valuable time ; but it's better to save those energies more forward stroke when really need it.

A good trick is to keep pedaling descent without charge so that muscle fibers can more easily release from the effort accumulated oxygen debt with toxin, mainly lactic acid.

How do you know when you go anaerobic ? The easiest way is to pay attention to your breathing. If deep normal breathing during a climb becomes a suffocating rapid panting, immediately reduces your effort to regain control ; and keep your stress at that level.

Why avoid anaerobic efforts ? Because the energy comes almost entirely glycogen valuable fuel that your muscles need for optimal performance. Once you dig deep into your glycogen stores, the more likely it is that they resent during the day, because in the mitochondria that exist in the muscle fibers, ATP is burned instead of ADP, with great acid release lactic acid and a decrease of yield pronounced muscular..
I advise if you are interested in the type of interval training, that you take a look at the list of links here below is righteous. We strongly recommend you to look at the first, " Heart Rate Training. "

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Present and future of Bike

10/04/2014 14:42

The great invention of the bicycle sport and transport; engine and passenger, all in one.
Invented in the nineteenth century, the bicycle is to see a diversion, a means of transportation and a means to exercise ourselves.

It allows us to transport us from one place to another without additional expense, without permits or insurance, easily and conveniently.

The sport bike and transportation

Executive cycling

Very useful in the urban environment at the time to make short or long to different places everyday people have to travel distances. The easy parking and great capacity to access almost anywhere, making it the ideal place to get around the corners of the small and large city environment.

Besides having a great facility to transport it in the car, you can have it at any time.

Besides being a great means of transportation, we can not forget performing exercises, then cycling also means an excellent sport, which the conjugation of these two activities are presented at the same time, make this instrument, a creations more useful and complete man.

But not the whole story was told with bicycles as have them today, such achievement fashion excellent bikes which feature people today are the result of a long historical process, which is described briefly.

They according to the above the first appearances of the bikes were in the ancient Chinese, Egyptian and Aztec civilizations.

City bikes

The bicycle as transportation

Initially it was a two wheeled contraptions compounds linked by a wooden bar.

Leonardo da Vinci sketches performed where a bicycle with chain drive pedals and distinguished.

By 1893 the first known similarly as at present, by Kirkpatrick Macmillan bike, which gave way to bicycles that are currently known are built.

Bicycles began to improve in those areas that did not offer much comfort, thanks to the bike started taking as a means of large scale production by different companies that helped improve aspects of it, like comfort, driveability and adaptation to the different applications that you could give the bicycle.

The sport bike and transportation

Since that first bike from the late nineteenth century, radicals porcos changes have been made to the base structure. But those other elements that have been great revolution in both design and functionality.
They have perfected the materials currently abounds carbon fiber as aluminum alloy or Kevlar.
They have improved the wheel, which at present are very light and strong, and the exchange system, which at first did not exist and now the number of gears increases is constant year after year.
Pedals have toe clips and straps or the remover to pass toeclips modern clipless pedals where the creek safely shoe inserts.
The saddles have decreased in size to the point that it is the ischium hipbone the one who really relies on it.
In the handlebars have diversified their shape depending on the mode to practice, and carbon is the perfect material to give the exact point of strength and lightness.

Without doubt, the number of elements to transform is not over yet.
No doubt in the future lose the chain and the changes that are internal and more integrated with the set, which will give better aerodynamics.
And no doubt that the tires will also improve, both in quality and performance, avoiding the annoying pricks.

This is roughly the past, present and future of our friend the bicycle as sport and transport.

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